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Autism Study Using Tainted Phrases: Need for Reform by Kelly Jean Sulilvan


 Developmental neuropsychologist Dorothy Bishop noticed strange phrases in a 2021 study of autistic children who interacted with a human-like robot.

 It described the children as “tainted kids” and “medically introverted,” and it referred to autism as a “disease” and a “mental imbalance.”

Bishop's research is extensive as she helped to build and develop the developmental language impairment field. Dorothy Bishop, occasionally published as DVM Bishop, is Professor of Developmental Neuropsychology at the University of Oxford. Bishop

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“It needs a complete overhaul,” Byrne says, referring to scholarly publishing. She argues that scholarly publishers don’t have enough incentives to make sure their content is solid. “I think that there needs to be some fairly strong backlash from the consumers of the literature to indicate that this is simply not acceptable and that it will not be tolerated.”
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