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Calming Crafts for Summer for Students with Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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What can autistic kids do in the summer?
Top 10 Summer Activities for Children on the Autism Spectrum
  • Host a character day. .
  • Create water games. .
  • Go to a movie.In the summer many cities offer movie tickets at a discounted rate. 
  • Learn yoga. .
  • Make homemade ice cream. .
  • Set up an arts and craft station. .
  • Go on a scavenger hunt.
  • What are good activities for autism?
    7 Fun Sensory Activities for Kids With Autism
    • Make a Sensory Bottle: .
    • Try Coin Rubbing: .
    • Thread Edible Jewelry: .
    • Create a Sensory Collage: .
    • Incredible Ice Painting: .
    • Boost Your Brain With a Smelling Game: 
    • Play the Magical Matching Game:
    • What activities are good for Aspergers?
      Many children with Asperger's develop strong interests and talents in areas such as art, music, or photography. Some have a very good report with animals, so something such as horseback riding lessons might be beneficia


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