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Technology and Change By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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Technology & Change

 .The Florida Legislature implemented a program beginning in the 2015/16 FY in which all future textbooks will be in electronic format.

 Florida K-12 classrooms are beginning to change to update their use of technology and the use of digital content not just to meet the legislation but because of covid 19 and the need for hybrid education.

 The K schools are in the middle of a crisis in implementing and planning on this strategy. eBooks have been a huge part of the transition plan to electronic education. The use of eBooks encourages students to interact with each other and allows for highlighting passages and import phrases. The teacher can also edit and interact with the student's work electronically. For students with autism, this is a very effective tool that includes visual learning. Diagrams, charts, and symbols in eBooks are easy to read and give the reader a more enriching version of the text. eBooks allow this population to learn in ways that traditional books do not (Simba,2021). 2. Your school district is considering the cost of purchasing some sort of digital technology for student access. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of buying individual student technology. Many of the digital technology most used in the classroom now are websites, apps, and reading programs.

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 The schools provide the iPad and google classroom, and some laptops. Apps would be a good purchase. If these are not in place, then purchasing iPad for students with autism would be a good choice. One of the cons of purchasing technology is that new technology emerges very quickly as soon as you get it. I have several devices, and before I can even learn how to use them, it seems new programs have arrived. It's a constant life lifelong learning process. Students with cognitive behavior challenges are the least likely group to use the devices, so that this population will need assistance. My work with students with autism is that they perfe3r to work on smartphones and 3 iPad rather than human interaction.

 Using the iPad is a motivation for this population to use the device. The iPad is fine if there is Wi-Fi at home. most homes have android, and smartphones can have access to diffe3rent apps than Apple apps. (Casselden,2020)  Train new teachers We must train the new teacher in general education to use the technology (KowalczukWalêdziak,2019).  Cons eBooks Not all learners learn the same, so eBooks are not the answer. Teachers need a variety of materials in various forms to accommodate diverse learning. 

There is also the frustration of compatibility for the eBook with different devices. Some children prefer the traditional book. There are many linked consequences to using the reader, such as eye strain and reading fatigue. And the lack of the linear reading approach that, in the long run, becomes a problem with comprehension. eBooks cannot be held in hand, reducing its tactile effect, and there are fewer memory cues. For me, the most significant barrier is the access to some works due to the restrictions set for the higher-demand items. being less tactile, with fewer memory cues. (Saleh,2015)  Benefits of eBooks the books can be accessed easily from the web and library. many students can see the same material simultaneously rather than lugging out many books. (Fredrick,2015) Assistive technology is used effectively to assist the student with autism communication challenges no matter what speech level. AAC technology assists in communication skills. What I find is wonderful is that the smartphone now can be used as a cheap communication tool.

 The speech therapist can recommend good apps for this, and it's easy to use once the child is instructed using 4 a good teacher-made social story. Student Texting is working for the hearing impaired and, of course, is already in the smartphone.

  APPS If I were to purchase something, I would buy the apple app called proloque2go that allows for pecs and work to be linked. 3. How would you ensure all students have access to the technology? 5 For access, I think the best approach is to link the technology with a bigger transition plan to the workforce for this population. We are using the technology to instruct and build skills so that the after school and the 21 yr. Cut off. They will be able to access jobs.

 The United Kingdom has a good model that is working called technology for life. We must change the narrative that the technology is assistive and see it as a long-term tool for productivity. The online assistive act covers online digital accessibility for students with autism and protects them from discrimination by websites and mobile apps.

 Education about this to staff and the community would be helpful. Training parents to use devices. 

Workshops for the parents who get the devices are, for me, essential.

  Put it in the IEP I would make sure during the IEP meeting that the related services would include the technology. Include the benefit of using technology, the frequency of usage, and the objectives to be met.


 “Autism Society.” Autism Society, 16 Nov. 2021, G., Tania, et al. “Autism Speaks.” Autism Speaks, Casselden, B., & Pears, R. (2020). Higher education student pathways to eBook usage and engagement and understanding: Highways and cul de sacs. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52(2), 601–619. 6 Frederick, Donna E. “eBooks as a Disruptive Technology.” Managing eBook Metadata in Academic Libraries, 2016, pp. 11–24., 6.00002-0. Kowalczuk-Walêdziak, M., Korzeniecka-Bondar, A., Danilewicz, W., & Lauwers, G. (Eds.). (2019). Rethinking Teacher Education for the 21st Century: Trends, Challenges and New Directions (1st ed.). Verla Saleh, Zakaria Issa, and Ahmad Shahar Mashhur. “The Impact of e-Books on the Printed Books: E-Books Popularity, Growth and Future.” 2015 Fifth International Conference on eLearning (Econf), 2015, “Welcome to Simba Information, the Leading Authority for Market Intelligence on the Education and Professional Publishing Industries.” Simba Information: Home, g Barbara Burdick.

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