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Schools as Business By Kelly Jean Sullivan


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Our schools are businesses.

 Education is now a service provider that use teachers to teach skills, and school districts need to run them this way to survive (Evans2020).Can a school district be run like a business? Let's define a business. Businesses are geared to provide a product or service to their customers.

 A school district operates schools that provide a student who is the customer and education, the service. A school district must hire employees. And keep the budget balanced. The school district must deal with parent or customer concerns. The school district must sell its product and services, aka quality education. A school district must provide management and leadership.

 The parents pay taxes in exchange for a student's seat in the school to learn. The superintendents are the CEOs of the school district, and the parents and students are the customers of the product. School districts must delegate responsibilities for the school to run smoothly.

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 They must coordinate materials and budgets. Currently, the education system in 2021 has a revenue of $78.7 billion. (Statista,2022). Education is a good investment. The business offers a high-quality education to all students under FAPE.

 - What are the expected outcomes for public schools?

 Different from outcomes expected from a private business? - School outcomes For school outcomes, we need to go to instructional outcomes. In teaching, instructional outcomes are the students' outcomes in their skill and knowledge by the lend of the coursework. If we look at this as the product, we need the students to stay on track and meet the smart goals 3 and testing. We progress monitor so that we have accountability, and eventually, the student will have the skills to get a job. (EVANS,2020) Business outcome What are business outcomes?

 Business outcomes or results are what the business needs to achieve. In business, the outputs are the activities that support the outcome. Discuss the similarities and differences between running a school system and running a business. Similarities and Differences Most schools are already set up as businesses. They are both set up for success.

 There are also differences between the two. Similarities Motivation is similar in both business and school as a business. they both demand performance and give rewards for it (Evans,2020). Making schools corporations and having performance testing school ranking and datadriven approaches to motivate are similar business models.

 Both school districts and the business now are companies that compete. Communication There is a similar need for good communication in schools and businesses. The teacher needs to know when to modify the lesson. In business needs to understand how its employees are doing. Both need to be aware of strengths and weaknesses and use them to benefit all. 4 Goal setting In both teaching and business, there is a need to set goals. 

The teacher's goals are smart goals and help the students know what they are doing. In business, the goals set for the employees are also trying to get the goals met for the customer. Hiring Both school districts and businesses need good help. 

Teachers need to be qualified, and employees need to be responsible workers to do the job. Businesses need responsible workers to perform their duties. Profits Both the school district and the business must have a budget and funds to continue e daily operations. 

A mission School districts and businesses must have a mission and time to meet the expectations set. (NSPRA,2022) Differences For school districts, it is the students first, which may mean that the outcomes take more time. Most teachers are not trained to be competitive or to compare, so they do not respond well to the motivation of money. Teachers do not like merit pay. 

In general, they want higher salaries but not performance pay. Performance pays and bonuses are typical in business. The literature review showed that there is no link between merit pay and student outcome and that it damages the morale of teachers.

 Teachers in general want to know that their teaching 5 is important in more significant ways. Research shows that rewards are much more effective than teaching (Evans,2020). Conclusion The goal is to educate children to do this. We need money, and school districts need to run schools like businesses using the funds given effectively

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