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Mental Health tips for Teachers By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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Mental Health Strategies for Teachers 
  • Get Your Body Moving to Help Your Mental Wellness. .
  • Model Self-compassion. .
  • Set Reasonable Expectations (for yourself and others) .
  • Be unapologetic. .
  • Set Office Hours While Remote Teaching.
  • How can teachers be mentally calm physically fit?
    Tips for teacher wellbeing

How can teachers be mentally calm physically fit?

  1. Reconnect to your purpose. ...
  2. Adopt a growth mindset in your teaching. ...
  3. Focus on kindness and gratitude. ...
  4. Create clear boundaries between home and school. ...
  5. Set up effective debriefing and mentoring structures. ...
  6. Establish good sleeping habits. ...
  7. Build up your emotional resilience. ...
  8. Keep focused on your goals
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