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Assistive Writing Technology for Studentw with Autism By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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What is assistive technology for writing?
Keyboards and touchscreens can also help kids who struggle with handwriting. Keyboards and touchscreens let kids input letters and words through typing or touching the screen, rather than by using a pen or pencil. Dictation (speech-to-text) allows kids to write by using their voice.
How can I help my autistic child to write?
Place a large piece of paper, erasable writing board or chalkboard on an upright surface such as an easel or wall. Put it right at your son's eye level. Then, give him some colorful markers or crayons and show him how fun it is to draw on the surface in front of him.
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7 Ways to help kids develop their writing skills
  1. Encourage reading. ...
  2. Help them get started. ...
  3. Teach working in drafts. ...
  4. Ask parents to help outside of school. ...
  5. Allow the use of spell and grammar checks. ...
  6. Incentivize free writing at home and school. ...
  7. Suggest copying activities

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