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ADHD and Schedules By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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Why do you need a routine for ADHD?
Children with ADHD need routine. Reliable schedules for mornings, after school, and bedtime make a tremendous difference in setting expectations, building good habits, and improving ADD-related behavior
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Does scheduling work with ADHD?
Some adults with ADHD say they feel suffocated by a lack of flexibility in their days. They thrive with a flexible and customized daily schedule that increases creativity and channels their hyperfocus. Others say they need the structure of a rigid work schedule to hold them accountable and prevent procrastination.
Here are some straatages to assist with scheduling -
  1. First, pick one small thing that, if done regularly, will make your life easier — making the bed or sorting the mail. ...
  2. Next, figure out an easy way to do it. ...
  3. Decide how often you'll do the task and when you'll do it.
  4. Create reminders to keep you on track.

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