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Road to success helping young adults with learning disabilities plan and prepare for employment article review by Kelly Jean Sullivan


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    Title of article: Road to success helping young adults with learning disabilities plan and prepare for employment

Author(s) of article: Richard Johnson Daryl F Mellard Paula Lancaster

 Teaching Exceptional Children  Vol 39 no 6 pp 26-32 2007


 Teachers can use strategies and direct instructional approaches found in road to success to help LD students be successful. For many young students knowing the skills for employment that are given in the road to success program will give them a good stable job. The program addresses skills that the teacher needs to target both the skills needed and address behaviors to work on that are creating barriers that block the student form future employment success

 Teachers not only have to teach content they also need to address behaviors and help the child become independent and be a self-advocate so that they will be employable later in life. The teachers and the schools need to continue to invest and work on this area.

  I think this is a good addition to possible selves and the information we got form our guest speakers  Iiwould look into this curriculum because of the information on how to help the students build self-determination action and positive attitudes.

 I would use small groups and activities that include role playing for interview and have them practice filling out job applications.

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