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Review of article Strategies for Helping Parents of Young Children Address Challenging Behaviors in the Home By Kelly Jean Sullivan

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 Author(s) of article:  Zhen Chai Rebecca Lieberman Betz

w      Title of article:  Strategies for Helping Parents of Young Children Address Challenging Behaviors in the Home

  Teaching Exceptional Children

  Vol 48 No 4 pp186-194


   Children who display challenging behavior and are not responsive to typical supports are at risk for future problems in behavior and that behavior will get worse with academic difficulties. since this behavior is done by the child to communicate to get what they want or escape. The behavior works so the child continues to do it

·         Parent involvement

·         Classroom teacher’s role very important and helpful to help the parents bring strategies to the home

·         Family centeredness

·         Family and professional partnerships –support plans dignity respect information to family

·         Inclusion in natural environments –needed for well-being and functioning of family

·         Provide families with the information strategies to increase the likelihood that the teacher and family working together can make a behavior support plan that is ready to work at home

·         Working with families with diverse backgrounds-some children have languages going on need respect values and cultures

·         Conducting a FBA in the home

·         Developing a behavior intervention plan with the parents

·         Working with the parents to identify prevention strategies

·         Help the family teach replacement skills

·         Teaching parents on how to respond to challenging behavior.

w        Summarize the most important information, ideas, facts, etc. presented in this article: 

Parents play a huge role in the child’s behavior we need to have parents support and teacher support so that the child sees consistency. the child will see the parent being positive and this will help the child learn the new behavior skills and help the teacher with her routines and be better be able to teach. The whole plan needs to be a good fit and the strategies need to be easy and the parents need coaching and support and monitoring needs to occur.

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