Reading Comprehension issues
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The team should be meeting and looking at the diagnostic test scores
assessment exam only gives the base date the team needs to meet to decide on strategies
for what problem solving activities.
sc Scaffolding opportunities for her to learn
and a motivation system that will avoid upsetting her even more out of frustrating
and make reading fun.
Teacher can do some group discussion and
activities that give meaning to the stories .if Jane likes art read art books a
first teacher needs to do inventory of students likes dislikes
· Motivate students to find the plots in stories and give here library time to go check out books she may be interested in to give her time to practice
Class room center
I would suggest in the classroom a bean bag chair in a corner where there are books and paper and colored pencils or crayons where she can go during free time and do some word webs and collages and concept activities that would help students to practice the skill in an alternative way.
Do journal work and reflections by writing self-questioning Reponses and even paste pictures or visuals to respond to the plot, setting, and characters at first. Have students read to another student one one.
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