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Procedural safeguards under IDEA part B by Kelly Jean Sullivan


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Procedural safeguards under IDEA part B

The parents must consent to the initial evaluation.

If the parents refuse to give consent or ignores and does not respond then the teacher is not in violation to FAPE.

Students with disabilities who violate a code student conduct must be placed in an appropriate alternative setting per IEP.

We need to provide services somewhere else in an alternative setting .but education is compulsory. Bregar (1991)

Manifestation determination-

If you suspend a child over ten days you need to have a hearing on the 11th. You need to have a meeting with the parents and give them prior written notice. You need to get the team together school psychologist the police and what happened during the incident.

 In a good IEP, there are ambitious goals set, and the behavior can be monitored and addressed. 

There should be an IEP, and an FBA /BIP.

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Bregar, C. (1991). Suspension and expulsion of students with disabilities. PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi: 10.1037/e500872010-018


Fitzgerald, J. L., & Watkins, M. W. (2006). Parents Rights in Special Education: The Readability of Procedural Safeguards. Exceptional Children72(4), 497–510. doi: 10.1177/001440290607200407



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