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Ornstein, Allan C., et al. Contemporary Issues in Curriculum. Pearson, 2015 chapter 8-11 by Kelly Jean Sullivan

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Does  teaching  science or  art  need to be reinvestigated? 

The author argues how teachers can start with science and then need to practice and experience teaching. The chapter also looks at issues occurring in the classroom and how they need to be fixed. The argument is interesting in that some believe teachers are entertainers and should be trained for this. I find this concept fascinating, especially since COVID19 and zoom learning. The author stresses that we should focus education on student learning, not teacher learning. Teachers need to teach about all events, both good and evil, and be realistic about them.

 What qualities does the author think are most important for a teacher to possess?

  The author argues that teachers should focus on assessment, which gives validity to teacher education programs. in general, no one agrees on what is essential. It is not a simple to-do list that teachers follow and can be checked off, but the author does argue that teachers need to be more human. Dewey's theory of being more caring in education goes hand and hand with this. The teacher needs to be able to teach subjects and values.

  In this chapter, the author explores teaching and knowledge content.

 The teachers need basic knowledge of the content are lessons. Professors should be teaching this content in pre-service general education courses. New teachers can build on pre-existing knowledge and then teach students by looking at the curriculum and creating lesson plans that work on skills.

The author looked at teacher performance and how this is related to the teacher's knowledge and how the teacher sets up a safe learning classroom.

The teacher will look at student behaviors and outcomes and then reassess the lessons and modify where necessary. What is a teacher knowledge base? Teacher preparedness is a topic I am researching for my study.

In what ways have programs and techniques developed for special populations influenced elementary and secondary curriculum development?

  The use of IEPs for exceptional students has assisted in using modified assessments. When teachers need to assess prior knowledge, they can use concepts like concept mapping artwork or even portfolios.

The author looks at diverse teaching styles. The author looks at the authoritarian style, the delegator, the facilitator, and the demonstrators. Principals need to accommodate all learning styles. The skill of communicating with diverse teacher styles is as important as communication with different learning styles for students. Some teachers interact. Some are supportive. It depends on what teacher education program they were taught under. 

 There are simply no words to describe the gap in new teachers and the lack of support. The answer is yes. I had to mentor for student teaching. Then new teachers get cut off from support.  I was mentored in eh facilitator art activity style. this style was taught to me by my mentor during student teaching and set up the environment for student learning and creative thinking. When I entered the school system, they expected a different approach, so a mentor or support would have been beneficial in the transition. The facilitator/teacher is focused on promoting self-learning and helping students. 

 The author looks at teacher retention.

 Teacher retention is a huge issue currently. Most ESE teacher leaves the profession within five years. The cost of this is ridiculous. Education needs to revamp and require higher standards in teacher preparedness.

 I am addressing this issue in my research. All teachers need better working conditions and time off. Teacher Pay must be increased. The author looks at hiring processes and teacher motivation. The way that the school uses the money it is given can significantly impact teacher retention. New technology and a supportive, collaborative environment are essential.

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