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Enhancing transportation education using Mobil devices and applications article review by Kelly Jean Sullivan



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   Enhancing transportation education using Mobil devices and applications

Jennifer Gallup Sharon N LaMotte Adam Gallup    

  Teaching exceptional children

Vol 48 no 1 pp 54-61 2015


 Transportation for transition students with disabilities can make the difference between keeping employment and losing job. Transportation education will assist in promoting students with independence. We can use transportation apps to assist in this.

Districts should allow for transportation training. The Teacher needs to counsel eligible students

·         Assessment of transition needs

·         Development of transportation end plan

·         Preparing students and gathering background information

·         Teaching transportation skills and implementing plan

·         Evaluation of the students’ performance

·         Students need the opportunity to be part of the community students need work experience. transportation education helps the students get the work experience and have better access to the community. apps have visual and verbal prompts to assist in this. This will all in the end assist the student with independent living.

  I was surprised that there are apps for this now and the visual prompt ones are very interesting to me, I am however concerned for the cost and access to this since not everyone can afford a watch.

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