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Assistive Technology: Graphic organizers by Kelly Jean Sullivan


·         Assistive Technology:

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 one of the core strategies used in schools to help with attention and learning difficulties.

Different types of Assistive Technology

·         Audio Players and Recorders

¨      Helps the child be able to listen to words as the child reads them on the page

¨      Text-to-speech software that can read aloud anything on the screen

¨      An audio recorder can capture what is being said, and the child can listen to it again later on


·         Timers

¨      Wristwatches to hourglass timers, help kids who have trouble with pacing

¨      Can be used as visual aids to show how much time is left during an activity

¨      Difficulty transitioning from task to task, can help mentally prepare to make a switch


·         Reading Guides

¨      Good tools for children who have trouble visual tracking or need help focusing on a page


·         Seat Cushions

¨      Helps children with sensory processing and attention issues


·         FM Listening Systems

§  Reduce background noise and amplify what the teacher is saying

§  Used for students with hearing impairment, autism, or language processing issues


·         Calculators

§  Large display calculators and even talking calculators

§  Talking calculators reads the numbers, symbols, and operation keys out loud


·         Writing supports

¨      Plastic pencil grips

¨      Basic word processing programs

¨      Word prediction

¨      Speech recognition software


·         Graphic Organizers

¨      Print outs to help the student organize their thoughts

¨      Organizing programs

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