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Assessment high-leverage practices for students with Autism by Kelly Jean Sullivan

Assessment  high-leverage practices for students with Autism


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Direct instruction ELA classes we are to give the students the Unit Standards Assessment (USA) after each unit is taught.  We have collaborated with the reading teachers and provided the standards tested, text and grammar that will be taught and activities we have planned throughout the unit. 

 Include the reading teachers in our plans, they are able to reinforce the standards being assessed and can practice executing the same strategies and analytical thinking as we do in ELA classes.

The problem is reviewing these assessments since they are done on the computers.  We are trying to meet as a team to troubleshoot ways in which students can go back to correct the questions they got incorrect. 

The problem is they are not able to retrieve their test once it is submitted. I only see their score, the breakdown of questions and the standards that they need to improve upon. 

 Since the paper version and online versions differ, we are at a standstill as a team as to what is the most effective way to review and reflect on the unit assessments.  

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