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Foil Bas Relief Art Lesson calmit19 by Kelly Jean Sullivan

    data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens •     Materials: •     6 x 9 in drawing paper   shoe polish or India ink •        Foam   Brush 6 x 9 in cardboard •     White Elmer ’ s school glue •     Aluminum foil •     Steel wool

Magazine Paper Weave lesson Calmit19 By Kelly Jean Sullivan

    data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens Materials •         Magazine pages) for the strips •       Pencil •       Ruler •       Exacto blade cutter •       Cutting mat\scissors

Art Making Pecs for Communicaton Calmit19 by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens The Six Phases of the Picture Exchange Communication System Are: PECS PHASE I: How to Communicate. ... PECS PHASE II: Distance and Persistence. ... PECS PHASE III: Picture Discrimination. ... PECS PHASE IV: Sentence Structure. ... PECS PHASE V: Answering Questions. ... PECS PHASE VI: Commenting. free printables

Silhouette Collage Lesson/ Calmit19 By Kelly Jean Sullivan

    data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens materials   Overhead projector or bright light/Flashlight (and a dark(is) room White Crayola crayon Construction paper Glue stick  Crayola Crayons Crayola  markers, Crayola colored pencils Magazines scissors

Movie recommendations by Kelly Jean Sullivan

  data-ad-client="ca-pub-1763189992875486"> </amp-auto-ads> <amp-auto-ads type="adsens true story movies to watch  A Beautiful Mind depicts the real-life story of mathematician and noble prize winner John Nash. While navigating the normal course of life, Nash is diagnosed with  paranoid Schizophrenia , a mental illness where one experiences a series of splits from reality and paranoia.